Re: N3, N-triple and anonymity in test cases

Hi Jeremy

Jeremy Carroll wrote:
> In many of the cases in rdf-ns-prefix-confusion (specifically 02, 07,
> 11, 12, 13, 14) there are resources which have an rdf:ID (or rdf:bagID)
> value, but then in the n-triple they are anonymous (e.g. '<Seq
> rdf:ID="container">' in test11.rdf, the resource becomes '_:container'
> in test11.n3).

Yup - these were early ones we did before we had things set up so we
could know the URI the test cases would be stored at.  These will get
tidied up.

> One of the test cases rdfcore/rdf-ns-prefix-confusion/test04.n3 gives an
> n3 spec rather than n-triples, which makes life harder for me. Perhaps
> the others in that directory are also really n3 and don't make a clear
> distinction between anonymous and non-anonymous nodes. [I don't know n3,
> and I am trusting the Jena n-triple processor to read the files].

Again we'll check that - this was also from the early days of n-triple.
The definition of n-triple is being refined - and Jena is not quite up to
date - so I'd check with me before going to the list.


Received on Saturday, 14 July 2001 11:02:01 UTC