RE: Self introduction of Michel Biezunski and Steven R. Newcomb

Welcome Michel,

As it happens I've been reading about topic maps recently, when I can find a
moment or two to spare.  Seems like there is a lot in common with RDF and
some intersting differences too.  The separation of the concepts of topic
and subject are intruiging.

As a test of my understanding, and for comparison with the rdf model, I've
been trying to do a set model for topic maps similar to that in the rdf m&s
spec.  Does something like that already exist?

Brian McBride

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Michel Biezunski []
> Sent: 07 February 2001 09:24
> To:
> Cc:
> Subject: Self introduction of Michel Biezunski and Steven R. Newcomb
> My name is Michel Biezunski. I am interested to join
> the RDF activity because I have been involved in the
> creation of the Topic maps standards since the
> beginning. I started to work on this issue together
> with Steve Newcomb in the Davenport Group, then in
> the CApH group. I proposed to ISO to make Topic Maps
> a standard, and was at the origin of the creation of
> the XTM activity to create an XML version of Topic
> maps. I work in a company called InfoLoom which is
> developing solutions for improving navigation within
> information resources.
> I am willing to work on the merging of the standards,
> or on a new standard that would take advantage of
> both. Therefore, I would like to attend the next
> RDF-Interest group in Boston.
> ==========================================
> Michel Biezunski, InfoLoom
> Tel +33 1 44 59 84 29 Cell +33 6 03 99 25 29
> Email:  Web:
> ==========================================
> ********************************************************
> My name is Steven R. Newcomb.  Like Michel Biezunski, I
> was at the beginning of the topic map story.  My
> primary interests are information management and global
> knowledge interchange, and I've been working in these
> and related fields for 23 years.  I'm one of four
> editors of the ISO HyTime standard.  Like Michel, I've
> had some experience with developing standards, and with
> developing the consensus needed to develop standards.
> Also like Michel, I am interested in being involved in
> any significant work that is responsive to the lessons
> of RDF, Topic Maps, etc.  Therefore, I would like to
> attend the next RDF-Interest group in Boston.
> Michel and I have worked together for a long time.
> Along with Martin Bryan, we were co-editors of the ISO
> Topic Maps standard.  More recently we were the
> founding chairs/editors of the XML Topic Maps (XTM)
> standardization effort (TopicMaps.Org).  Most recently
> of all, we both stepped down from that position in
> favor of new leadership (Steve Pepper and Graham Moore,
> with Eric Freese as their appointed acting chair).
> Although we are still active participants in the XTM
> initiative, the fact that we are no longer
> chairs/editors of XTM has released our time, and our
> preferred way to allocate that time is to the RDF
> effort.  Let me also explain that Michel and I are not
> joined at the hip, nor do we think in the same way.
> Far from it.  We have chosen to seek funding for our
> involvement in this effort jointly, because over the
> last eight years we have found that when we work
> together, our combined ability to generate benefit is
> greater than the sum of our abilities when we work
> separately.  We are content that our work on the topic
> maps paradigm, while certainly not done, speaks for
> itself.  But more to the point, we have learned some
> things along the way that, when the future of RDF is
> charted, may be helpful.
> -Steve
> --
> Steven R. Newcomb, Consultant
> voice: +1 972 359 8160
> fax:   +1 972 359 0270
> 405 Flagler Court
> Allen, Texas 75013-2821 USA

Received on Wednesday, 7 February 2001 10:21:50 UTC