RDF and Semantic (X)HTML

Hi Everyone,
I notice that most of this RDF and (XML) Schema stuff (otherwise: semantic)
is for 'describing' data, but many of the examples use "pure" data, and I
was wondering what happens with more complex systems such as HTML websites?
I notice that Dan Connolly has been playing around with some examples, and
in particular RSS: but it looks like automatic generation of RDF from pages
is closely linked to what that page *links* to, rather than what it's
content is.
I know we have Dublin Core, but can anyone suggest a way of deriving a
"full" semantic description of a complex website with ease (i.e. automatic
What this means is that HTML will be semantic, rather than just lost chunks
of data floating around. I would like to set up an entire site with full
Semantic summaries/structure, but would appreciate if someone could help me
on this point.
Kindest Regards,
Sean B. Palmer
WAP Tech Info - http://www.waptechinfo.com/
Mysterylights.com - http://www.mysterylights.com/
XHTML Modularization Resource - http://xhtml.waptechinfo.com/modularization/
"The Internet; is that thing still around?" - Homer J. Simpson

Received on Monday, 23 October 2000 18:39:58 UTC