Re: Is "Model" part of the RDF model?

"McBride, Brian" <> writes:

> >   wraf:Model      -   A collection of statements
> Is that a collection of statements or a collection of 
> reified statements?

All statements can be viewed as reified statements.

I recently came to insight that fact and non-fact statements can be
handled by the model.  Since all statements belongs to one (or more)
models, we can have trusted and nontrusted models.  A reified
statement with a unknown stater will be placed in a 'empty' model.

Things can be said about a model in the same manner that they can be
said about separate statements.  Some of the statements about the
model could be made distributed over the statements.

Wraf uses a lot of 'dynamic' properties.  They can be inferred from
schemas, calculated, providing extra metadata, be translations or
alternative representations, or anything returned from a method call.  

/ Jonas Liljegren

The Wraf project
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Received on Saturday, 21 October 2000 13:52:50 UTC