Re: validating RDF syntax with XML Schema

On Fri, 20 Oct 2000, Dan Connolly wrote:

> > From: Lee Jonas (
> > Date: Tue, Oct 17 2000
> > Can anyone point me at some examples?
> RDF Syntax: An XML Schema Approach
>     in progress Aug 2000 
> > I am having difficulty reconciling XML Schema's tendancy to presume you are
> > defining a single vocabulary (hence a single 'targetNamespace')  with RDF's
> > "feature(?)" of mixing and matching RDF, RDFS & specific RDF(S) namespaces
> > (e.g. the Dublin Core).

> You need an XML Schema document for each namespace;
> they can be combined straightforwardly
> (using import).

Very interesting...  I took a quick look at your doc but need to 
digest it further. Hopefully these questions won't be redudant
then. Anyway, I'll risk asking dumb questions:
Can we mechanically fabricate the XML Schema for each RDF
namespace? ie. given a list of properties, classes (and other
resources) described by the RDF, can you auto-generate the XML Schema? 
If not, are there at least some high level similarities amongst these
schemas that could make the task simpler?


Received on Friday, 20 October 2000 19:14:29 UTC