Re: RDF Interest Group: mailing lists etc... (long)

> I would like to suggest that this should not be seen as a sign of
> failure.  RDF is a whole new area for a lot of people, and I think one of
> the most valuable services performed is to bring newcomers to a common
> level of understanding.

This should be bi-directional. Those who are prescribing a model for the
world should listen to what the application developers want and application
developers should learn from the 'language' developers.

These bi-directional conversations have indeed happened in this mailing list
between people who understand knowledge representation issues, but I have
not seen anything detailed about 'web sites'. In that spirit, I appreciate
Alex Muc's recent posting. More of that is welcome.

I personally would not want another mailing list since that would defeat the
purpose of bi-directional communication.


Received on Tuesday, 10 October 2000 09:06:14 UTC