Re: Please Review: RDFCore WG new specs (2003-11-05), esp. w.r.t. I18N and XMLLiteral

From: Dan Brickley <>
Subject: Re: Please Review: RDFCore WG new specs (2003-11-05), esp. w.r.t. I18N and XMLLiteral
Date: Fri, 26 Sep 2003 09:48:39 -0400

> A reminder: please take a look at these Working Drafts. The WG is in the 
> process of preparing for a second Last Call phase, consolidating  
> changes made in response to feedback received during our earlier LC and 
> subsequently. If you have additional comments to make on these drafts, 
> please send them to www-rdf-comments in time for our teleconference next 
> week (ie. by 2nd Oct).
> Many thanks,
> Dan

Hmm.  I note that there are more-recent editors' drafts available for
several of these documents.  Any reviews that I do will be against these
editors' drafts.

The first jarring note in my reading of RDF Semantics
(, version of 16
September 2003) is that Figure 1 still (again?) is internally inconsistent.
It uses `Thing 1' and `Thing 2' as its domain of discourse but states that
``1 is the only property in the set IP''.

Peter F. Patel-Schneider

Received on Friday, 26 September 2003 15:42:20 UTC