Re: pfps-04 (why the thread is germane to pfps-04)

Hello Brian,

At 14:00 03/07/25 +0100, Brian McBride wrote:

>I think we've established that UNICODE characters and octet sequences
>are disjoint.  Martin, chair of the I18N group confirmed this in:
>Whilst Martin does not like the RDFCore design,

That's an altogether separate issue.

>as currently specified
>in the ed's drafts, XMLLiterals and plain literals are disjoint.

Sorry, but this is not a question of design. If the RDFCore design is
than XML Literals and plain literals are disjoint, then the RDF specs
should just say that they are different. The spec says what it says.

If you think you can avoid implementations making mistakes such as
suddenly coming up with equivalences, then I have to tell you that
just by saying that one of them is characters and the other is
octets based on UTF-8, that doesn't necessarily avoid problems.
It may actually happen that character strings are also stored
in UTF-8, and that by chance an implementer just does a simple
strcmp(). This is a different issue from the conceptual level
that I understand Peter is interested, where characters and
octets are definitely completely different things.
If there is anything else that you are worrying about,
I would appreciate to know.

Regards,    Martin.

Received on Friday, 25 July 2003 16:21:37 UTC