Use of datatyping

Some remarks concerning the RDF primer:

The RDF primer (second paragraph below Figure 9) has the sentence:

"As far as RDF is concerned, you can write any pair of URIref and 
literal you want as a typed literal."

One could get the impression, that the normative part of RDF concepts on 
is less liberal with respect to datatyping.
There is an example given of an XML-schema-part2 datatype, which should 
not be used.

The Primer in the paragraph before Figure 10 seems to have changed it's 

"For one thing, RDF has no way of knowing whether or not a URIref in a 
typed literal actually identifies a datatype."

This assertion appears to live with some tension to
RDF semantics rule "rdfD -1"

Is it that the meaning of say "10"^^xsd:integer depends on the property, 
the datatype is
used with ?    


Received on Tuesday, 18 February 2003 15:58:40 UTC