rdf graphs in RDF Semantics

The first few uses of ``RDF graph'' in RDF Semantics (Section 1.1) preceed
any definition of RDF graphs.  In fact, RDF Semantics doesn't anywhere
indicate that the definition of RDF graphs comes from RDF Concepts, instead
providing its own (equivalent) definition.  

RDF Semantics also defines its own notion of ``identical'' RDF graphs.  It
then goes on to use ``isomorphic''.    RDF Concepts instead (wrongly) calls
this notion ``equality''.

An RDF graph is a set of triples.  As such it doesn't really *have* blank
nodes.  The definition of ground RDF graphs should thus be refined.

There is no definition of an arc in an RDF graph.


Received on Friday, 31 January 2003 09:46:21 UTC