Re: Wrong test-case: rdfms-not-id-and-resource-attr/test003

>>>Jan Wielemaker said:

> It doesn't, as you state now the correct translation for the `Object' is
> "".  However, the specs state (7.2.21, first bullet)
> ``If there are no attributes or only the optional rdf:ID attribute ...''
> As we have here rdf:ID and rdf:bagID we must create a blank node for the
> object.

Darn, so my fix is wrong and the object value should be a blank node.

> Actually, I think the specs are wrong here as it is weird that the
> existence of the rdf:bagID changes the object of the property.

There is no neat answer to this.  rdf:bagID creates more triples
related to the bag associated with this empty property element.  It
is primarily of use when there are property attributes, and this is
the corner case when propertyAttr* has 0 terms.

So to correct it, the existing

needs the following change:

< _:j88096 <> "" .
> _:j88096 <> :j88097 .

to match


Received on Monday, 13 January 2003 09:48:15 UTC