Re: [closed] Re: buglet in syntax / test cases

Hi Peter,

Peter F. Patel-Schneider wrote:
>>From, Section 2.3
> 	[Definition: A Name is .... Names beginning with the string "xml",
> 	or any string which would match (('X' | 'x') ('M' | 'm') ('L' |
> 	'l')), are reserved for standardization in this or future versions
> 	of this specification.]
> Hmm.  I guess, then that the name XMLnewname is not reserved.  Strange.

You can read this as: "Names beginning with (the string "xml" or any 
string which would match...)," i.e. 'beginning with the string "xml" or 
*with* any string which would match'. I think amongst the possible 
interpretations, this is the most reasonable one.

- Benja

Received on Wednesday, 4 June 2003 17:22:14 UTC