Re: RDF MT: Default values for rdfs:domain and rdfs:range?

At 23:13 01/04/2002 -0600, Pat Hayes wrote:

>However, the WG has now, I believe (Brian, correct me if this is out of 
>date) decided that literals in RDF shall always denote character strings 
>(ie the literal label itself, shorn of various XML taffeta),

A literal has three components (not to be confused with a triple)

   a bit indicating whether it is of parseType="Literal" or not
   a string indicating the language of the literal
   the literal string itself

>>>This leads me to think that the range of a property also defaults
>>>to rdfs:Resource, and that any use of that property with a
>>>literal value is within that range. Is this correct?
>>You may care to assume that.  I couldn't possibly comment.
>>Sorry, English joke.  I won't say whether you are correct or not.  I will 
>>say that RDF(S) makes no such statement.
>Well, but maybe it will soon, right?

Thats clearly where we are headed, but I'm not sure if we will get there in 
this round of specs.


Received on Tuesday, 2 April 2002 17:50:44 UTC