RE: namespace question

At 15:00 02/04/2002 -0500, Tim Sebel wrote:

>That way, I would have my own concept of "Class" that would be identical to
>DAML's concept. If there are changes in the "outside world" there would only
>be one place I would need to change URLs.
>Is there a reason not to do that?

Your classes, properties etc wouldn't be identical, they'd have different 
URI's.  Thus processors programmed to recognise the daml namespace would 
not recognise yours.  A trivial example is that Jena has the daml namespace 
built in and will use the daml prefix when it writes out rdf/xml.  A daml 
processor is just not going to recognise your classes and properties as 
daml and so won't know how to process them.

I'd stick with the entities if I were you.


Received on Tuesday, 2 April 2002 15:45:43 UTC