Re: reification in SiRPAC

By the way, I found another strange "Literalisation" in SiRPAC,
in method processTypedNode, I made the following modifs :

	// special case: should the typedNode have aboutEach attribute,
	// the type predicate should distribute to pointed
	// collection also -> create a child node to the typedNode
	Enumeration eTargets = typedNode.targets ();
	if (sAboutEach != null &&
	    eTargets.hasMoreElements()) {
	    Element newPredicate = new Element (RDFMS + "type",
					       new AttributeListImpl());
//-> CHANGED by PA
//	    Data newData = new Data (;
//	    newPredicate.addChild (newData);
	    newPredicate.resource (;
//->end CHANGED by PA
	    typedNode.addChild (newPredicate);
	} else {

because puting a Data element into a 'type' one
resulted in a 'type' arc pointing to a Litteral
(which looked just the same but is invalid)


Received on Friday, 20 August 1999 03:55:26 UTC