reification in SiRPAC

I'm using Sergey Melnik's GINF java packages
to validate and use RDF files.
GINF is based on SiRPAC, but validate schemas itself,
and I experimented a problem with a 'bagID' structure.

When SiRPAC reificates a statement, it does :

addTriple (new Resource(sNamespace + "subject"),
	   new Resource(sNodeID),
	   new Literal(( subject.toString().length() == 0 ? source() :

why so ? the parameter subject is a Resource, not a Literal
and furthermore, rdfs:subject's range is rdfs:Resource,
so this triple is invalid by nature !

I guess Janne Saarela had reasons to write that,
so may you help me understand those reasons ?


Received on Thursday, 19 August 1999 04:35:28 UTC