- From: Dan Brickley <danbri@danbri.org>
- Date: Tue, 02 Dec 2008 11:53:26 +0000
- To: KANZAKI Masahide <mkanzaki@gmail.com>
- Cc: Peter Mika <pmika@yahoo-inc.com>, Dan Connolly <connolly@w3.org>, www-rdf-calendar@w3.org
KANZAKI Masahide wrote: > Hi > > I've been using RDFcal for five years in my project, and if the name > space changed this time, it's the second time upset in this short > period. It's very unfortunate for existing projects to have such an > unstable namespace as its building block. > > If it is inevitable, please make it complete as soon as possible so > that current project will not waste more resources. If possible, > unchanged namespace is desirable. > > (Actually, I'm writing a book, one chapter of which is devoted to RDF > calendar. Stable namespace is very important.) Hi there! Glad to hear you're writing another book. I'm glad to hear you consider five years a short time. 2002 seems like only yesterday to me :) Peter's main point came from a perceived ambiguity in the rdfcal W3C Note, about which namespace to use. "unfortunately the spec at [3] leaves the question in limbo, using either one or the other namespace at various points", http://www.w3.org/TR/rdfcal/ The Note lists this as an unresolved issue, "Note that NY:tz timezone is used as a datatype. Earlier, we used separate properties for time and timezone, which is initially appealing but problematic for reasons that are detailed in the InterpretationProperties pattern. * Objections were raised when this change was made to the original ...2002/12/cal/ical# schema. This design is using a somewhat experimental2005-03-30 namespace name, ...2002/12/cal/icaltzd#." ...which cites Dan's msg of http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-rdf-calendar/2005Mar/0015.html It's clear from the Note that we don't yet have documented consensus about the value of these different designs, so it is unclear which pattern the SearchMonkey folk at Yahoo should be promoting. In http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-rdf-calendar/2004Oct/0004.html you suggest, [[ Yes, yes. It's very welcome to roll back the changes in the schema of current URI, as well as to discuss and develop modified schema with a new namespace URI. >[danc] The tests and conversion tools will migrate to the >new schema, I think; I don't think I can afford to >keep 2 sets of them around. That's fine. Keep existing data as is, and move forward. ]] It seems the existing Note pretty much captures things at this turning point, which is why it confuses Peter by mentioning two different namespaces. I don't see any problem with the original namespace being unchanged and stable. It should be fine to use, adopt and rely on. The question is more: do we recommend people use it, or do we recommend people use the later one with a changed design for timezones? Is anyone beyond Dan making much use of the later design? Hmm maybe we can ask the various RDF crawlers about this... take a look at what has been published in the Web? Of course this wouldn't reflect private usage, and calendar data is often private or intranet. Perhaps we can also do Google Code searches or similar? cheers, Dan -- http://danbri.org/
Received on Tuesday, 2 December 2008 11:54:08 UTC