Re: revert recent timezone changes? put them in a new schema?

At 10:35 AM -0500 04.10.14, Dan Connolly wrote:
>I wonder if I should roll back the timezone changes
>and start a new schema with the new timezone design.
>I'm not inclined to maintain 2 schemas. I'm willing to
>move new development to schema with a URI different
>from but I'm not
>offering to do maintenance on that one as well as
>new development.

Yes, yes. It's very welcome to roll back the changes in the schema of
current URI, as well as to discuss and develop modified schema with a new
namespace URI.

>The tests and conversion tools will migrate to the
>new schema, I think; I don't think I can afford to
>keep 2 sets of them around.

That's fine. Keep existing data as is, and move forward.


Received on Thursday, 14 October 2004 16:24:56 UTC