Re: VCal namespace

Hi Dan,

Our emails crossed each other but I completely agree:

> I don't see any problem with the original namespace being unchanged 
> and stable. It should be fine to use, adopt and rely on. The question 
> is more: do we recommend people use it, or do we recommend people use 
> the later one with a changed design for timezones? Is anyone beyond 
> Dan making much use of the later design?

Exactly: given that at the scale we operate we can not afford complex 
reasoning to  figure out the relationship between two ontologies (even 
if they are 99% same and they differ in a single axiom). So without an 
agreement on URIs there will be no interoperability.

Good news is: it's not too late... we are still a small group and there 
is room to change things. We can change on our side, Sindice can change 
on their side... but the window of opportunity is closing. So the 
question: if the Semantic Web is to start today, what namespace should 
people use to represent hCalendar and other calendar information in RDF?


Received on Tuesday, 2 December 2008 12:05:41 UTC