Agenda: ...9th April: street addresses, cyc:subAbstrac

On Tue, 2003-04-08 at 10:21, Libby Miller wrote:
> examples might be how to represent
> - a specific building with a street address,
> opening hours and lat/long
> attributes

some relavant stuff that I linked from
a few days ago...

Any work on U.S. Postal info, like city/state/zip? Can I print mailing
labels from RDF data?

    * [WWW]An RDF Schema for United States Postal Addressing Standards
by DanConnolly (in RDF/N3)
    * [WWW] in [WWW]swap pim works in limited cases
(specific RDF schema, printer, avery label size); though it's written in
perl and you could adapt it to your situation. 

How can I map city names to latitude/longitude?

    * see CityLookup, a use case for mapping weather underground data to
lat/long with cwm

> - representing approximate, exact, and default locations of people, for
> example while travelling (I'll be in London on Thursday,

I suggest

:Thursday xsdt:date "2002-04-10".
:London a cyc:UrbanArea; is cyc:inRegion of iata:LGW;
  map:cityName "London";
  cyc:inRegion [ map:countryName "United Kingdom].
# london is an urban area in which we find the LGW airport.
# re map:cityName vs rdfs:label vs. dc:title, I'm still
# noodling. see esw:PropertiesForNaming

:me cyc:subAbstrac [
  is cyc:temporallySubsumes of :Thursday;
  cyc:objectFoundInLocation :London

# i.e. "a timeslice of myself temporally subsumed by this
# thursday isfound in London."
# cf

You could use quoting and/or microtheories, but that
seems like overkill to me:

{ :me cyc:objectFoundInLocation :London } cyc:holdsIn :Thursday.

> I'll be in
> Paddington station concourse at 0900UTC 2003-04-11

:me cyc:subAbstrac [
  cyc:objectFoundInLocation :PaddingtonStation;
  cyc:temporallyIntersects "2003-04-11T0900"^^xsdt:dateTime

> I usually work in
> Bristol).

A simple way:

:me foaf:workPlace [ cyc:inRegion :Bristol ].

For a richer way, see
  Implementing defaults and log:notIncludes
  Tutorial: Reaching out onto the Web

> - a point, such as a bus stop, and timetables of busses passing

:busStopA geo:lat "20"; geo:long "30";
  :within10YardsOf [
    is cyc:subAbstrac of :Bus34;
    cyc:temporallyIntersects "2003...."^^xsdt:dateTime].

:within10YardsOf rdfs:subPropertyOf cyc:near.

> more ideas welcome!
> cheers
> Libby
Dan Connolly, W3C

Received on Wednesday, 9 April 2003 02:46:36 UTC