RE: Agenda: ...9th April: street addresses, cyc:subAbstrac

> :me cyc:subAbstrac [
>   is cyc:temporallySubsumes of :Thursday;
>   cyc:objectFoundInLocation :London
> ].
> # i.e. "a timeslice of myself temporally subsumed by this
> # thursday isfound in London."
> # cf
> You could use quoting and/or microtheories, but that
> seems like overkill to me:
> { :me cyc:objectFoundInLocation :London } cyc:holdsIn :Thursday.

Hmm - at first sight to me the latter version looks a lot more
straightforward... (though maybe because I've recently been thinking about
doing certainty factors/probabilities using the same pattern)

If we had some estimates for 80/20 usage and how much work was involved then
the preferable version should pop out. I guess a middle of the road (between
storage and inference) usage is how easy it is to deal with simple queries.

Three that spring to mind from a PIM point of view are "where am I on
Thursday?" "what's happening on Thursday?" and "when am I in London?". The
first query does look more approachable in the subAbstrac version, and the
second is trivial in the quoted version but twisty with subAbstrac. The
third query is a mini-maze either way.

Received on Thursday, 10 April 2003 09:37:55 UTC