Logical mnemonic model

Here is the URL to the paper I am giving in a session together with Libby
Miller at XML2001 in Orlando.

The aim of the paper is to formalize a logical and mnemonic model for the
representation of Temporal information.

The model, which we are calling Orlando, is evolved from the iCal RFC2445
datetime and datetime reoccurrence rules.

In our migration from mime-directory to XML and RDF, it is important that we
identify the incongruities discovered in the RFC2445 reoccurrence rules and
make sure that we just don't pass these problems on unsolved.

Other problems addressed are:

Unambiguous identification of end-inclusive/end-exclusive interval

Unambiguous identification of periods.  Are they duration specific ( the
exact amount of days of seconds) or are they calendar specific (landing on
some exact point on a wall clock or calendar?

Any comments are appreciated, specially as to the representation of this
model in XML-RDF.

the link is:



Received on Thursday, 8 November 2001 09:19:03 UTC