Re: More Work on iCalendar RDF Schema

On Friday, June 22, 2001, at 01:51  AM, Michael Arick wrote:

>> Why THEANNOYINGNAMES? I have difficulty distinguishing between 
>> Classes and properties, and there is no good reason for 
>> keeping them in ALLCAPS.
> This is a good question.  What naming convention would suit, 
> though?  I considered properties like standard java objects 
> (theAnnoyingName), and classes like standard java classes 
> (TheAnnoyingName), but it didn't seem much better.

Yes, well this is standard RDF convention also. It helps me 
quite a bit, actually.

       "Aaron Swartz"      | ...schoolyard subversion...
  <>  |  <>
<> | because school makes kids dumb

Received on Tuesday, 26 June 2001 21:43:01 UTC