Re: More Work on iCalendar RDF Schema

On Tuesday, June 26, 2001, at 05:40  AM, Libby Miller wrote:

>> I'm not certain that would help -- it really depends more on the
>> route we chose to add this feature. This does seem like a
>> somewhat tricky issue you're facing.
> Aaron, why don't you think it would help? can you elaborate a bit?

Well you can't have someone say:

<#x> :dateTime "2001-06-25T11:47" .

and then say:

"2001-06-25T11:47" :timeZone "CST" .

while that statement might make sense for a certain context, 
overall it is nonsense. What you'd really need is:

<#x> :dateTime [ = <#t> ; rdf:value "2001-06-25T11:47"] .
<#t> :timeZone "CST" .

       "Aaron Swartz"      |           Blogspace
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Received on Tuesday, 26 June 2001 21:43:23 UTC