poolGame.rdf: cwm takes 1.5hrs... any faster tools?

Jos D, Geoff C and everybody,

I munged a bunch of SWWS travel/schedule info, working
on a query "if EricM and DanC want to play a game
of pool while we're in California together, what
events will we have to work around?

I got the results (see poolGame.rdf, excerpt below),
but it took a couple days of debugging with cwm. In the
end, cwm was taking 90 minutes per run to do the computation.

I tried Euler, but I get errors such as:

$ CLASSPATH=/home/connolly/src/euler java Euler poolGame-kb.n3
** (3) expecting ] at {<?who> = [ ; ]]} log:forSome <?who>. but got }
        at Euler.<init>(Euler.java:158)
        at Euler.assert(Euler.java:253)
        at Euler.main(Euler.java:1163)

poolGame-filter.n3 isn't quite in the right form to be
uses as Euler's goal... the main conclusion I'm tring to reach is

	{ <poolGame.n3#EricDanBayArea>
		<poolGame.n3#__hasPlans> v:e. } log:forSome v:e.

But I get similar errors when I put just that (with the relevant
namespaces declared) in the lemma/goal.

Geoff C, your tools support rules, no? I don't suppose it groks
the N3 syntax for rules, huh? I suppose I could convert the
rules... lemme see if I can find a spec for your rule syntax...
ugh! what happened to 
  http://www.intellidimension.com/RDFGateway/Docs/RDFQLmanual.asp ???

ah... I can work around the DNS bug...

Boy... this RDFGateway thing gets more interesting the more
I look into it...

	Native RDF support. 
	Inference rules. 
	Data services for integrating RDF and HTML content. 
	A scriptable crawling service for scheduled
	harvesting of data. 


--        Intellidimension
Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 GMT

I just wish it weren't so alpha... ;-)

Hmm... I'm getting
	Error:Server unavailable [10061]. 

Zooming out a bit from Euler error messages, here's
how I described it yesterday in the RDF IG scratchpad:

poolGame-kb.n3 -- a whole bunch of SWWS logistics info all
 cwm'd together
 posted by DanC_ at 2001-07-29 00:53
     DanC_: the basic query is poolGame.n3: "when can
     EricM and DanC get together for a game of pool in
     the Bay Area?"
     DanC_: then we mix in DanC's itinerary,
     DanC_: and EricM's itinerary
     DanC_: and Eric's plans for the week
     DanC_: and finally, a travel schema with all sorts of
     rules to relate the following vocabularies: ical, cyc,
     palmpilot, navigant travel, swap/pim/contact, etc.
     DanC_: the poolGame-kb in RDF/xml is available via
     the SWAG converter
     DanC_: TODO: document common debugging
     DanC_: for the real details, see the makefile

 -- http://rdfig.xmlhack.com/2001/07/29/2001-07-29.html

	summarizing results from http://www.w3.org/2001/08swws67/

And here's the actual expected results:

excerpted from http://www.w3.org/2001/08swws67/poolGame.rdf

        <events r:parseType="Resource">
            <who>Eric Miller</who>
          Give presentation on W3C Semantic Web Activity at Semantic Web
Workshop in Stanford 
        <events r:parseType="Resource">
            <who>Eric Miller</who>
          Semantic Web Education and Outreach Dinner
        <flights r:parseType="Resource">
            <who>Dan Connolly</who>

        <flights r:parseType="Resource">
            <who>Eric Miller</who>

        <events r:parseType="Resource">
            <who>Eric Miller</who>
          W3C RDF Core Face-to-face (Day 2) at O'Reilly
        <flights r:parseType="Resource">
            <who>Eric Miller</who>

        <events r:parseType="Resource">
            <who>Eric Miller</who>
          W3C RDF Core Face-to-face (Day 1) at O'Reilly
        <flights r:parseType="Resource">
            <who>Dan Connolly</who>

Dan Connolly, W3C http://www.w3.org/People/Connolly/

Received on Monday, 30 July 2001 01:42:19 UTC