Re: poolGame.rdf: cwm takes 1.5hrs... any faster tools?

Hi Dan and Co,

> I munged a bunch of SWWS travel/schedule info, working
> on a query "if EricM and DanC want to play a game
> of pool while we're in California together, what
> events will we have to work around?
> I got the results (see poolGame.rdf, excerpt below),
> but it took a couple days of debugging with cwm. In the
> end, cwm was taking 90 minutes per run to do the computation.
> I tried Euler, but I get errors such as:
> $ CLASSPATH=/home/connolly/src/euler java Euler poolGame-kb.n3
> poolGame-filter.n3
> ** (3) expecting ] at {<?who> = [ ; ]]} log:forSome <?who>. but got }
> java.lang.NullPointerException:
>         at Euler.<init>(
>         at Euler.assert(
>         at Euler.main(

that's indeed a problem with empty descriptions a la []
so I hacked your poolGame-kb.n3 line 610 into
        }     log:implies {<?who>     =  [ pa:name ""
(just to work around around for the moment)

> poolGame-filter.n3 isn't quite in the right form to be
> uses as Euler's goal... the main conclusion I'm tring to reach is
> just:
>    { <poolGame.n3#EricDanBayArea>
>         <poolGame.n3#__hasPlans> v:e. } log:forSome v:e.
> But I get similar errors when I put just that (with the relevant
> namespaces declared) in the lemma/goal.

well, I took that query and ran it as follows

C:\n3>jview Euler poolGame-kb.n3 poolGame-query.n3
# Generated with Euler 27.029 on Mon Jul 30 11:41:15 GMT+02:00 2001
# for query file:/n3/poolGame-query.n3
# given [file:/n3/poolGame-kb.n3]

@prefix r: <>.
@prefix cg: <>.
@prefix sl: <>.
@prefix dc: <>.
@prefix pa: <>.
@prefix ont: <>.
@prefix rcs: <>.
@prefix html: <>.
@prefix xlink: <>.
@prefix ical: <>.
@prefix log: <>.
@prefix t: <>.
@prefix xyz: <file:/n3/poolGame-filter?>.
@prefix ci: <>.
@prefix rdfs: <>.
@prefix ont_: <file:/n3/@@/ont_#>.
@prefix cs: <>.
@prefix foaf: <>.
@prefix ctop: <>.
@prefix pd: <>.
@prefix cal: <>.
@prefix ctrans: <>.
@prefix : <file:/n3/poolGame-kb.n3#>.
@prefix util: <>.
@prefix cact: <>.
@prefix ct: <>.
@prefix v: <file:/n3/?>.
@prefix nav: <>.
@prefix apt: <>.
@prefix contact: <>.

<poolGame.n3#EricDanBayArea> <poolGame.n3#__hasPlans> <

<poolGame.n3#EricDanBayArea> <poolGame.n3#__hasPlans> <

<poolGame.n3#EricDanBayArea> <poolGame.n3#__hasPlans> <

<poolGame.n3#EricDanBayArea> <poolGame.n3#__hasPlans> <

 {<> cact:actors <poolGame.n3#em>.
  <poolGame.n3#EricDanBayArea> cg:groupMembers <poolGame.n3#em>.
  <poolGame.n3#EricDanBayArea> ct:temporallyIntersects <
001.n3#_g10>} log:implies
{<poolGame.n3#EricDanBayArea> <poolGame.n3#__hasPlans> <

 {<> cact:actors <poolGame.n3#em>.
  <poolGame.n3#EricDanBayArea> cg:groupMembers <poolGame.n3#em>.
  <poolGame.n3#EricDanBayArea> ct:temporallyIntersects <
001.n3#_g13>} log:implies
{<poolGame.n3#EricDanBayArea> <poolGame.n3#__hasPlans> <

 {<> cact:actors <poolGame.n3#em>.
  <poolGame.n3#EricDanBayArea> cg:groupMembers <poolGame.n3#em>.
  <poolGame.n3#EricDanBayArea> ct:temporallyIntersects <
001.n3#_g16>} log:implies
{<poolGame.n3#EricDanBayArea> <poolGame.n3#__hasPlans> <

 {<> cact:actors <poolGame.n3#em>.
  <poolGame.n3#EricDanBayArea> cg:groupMembers <poolGame.n3#em>.
  <poolGame.n3#EricDanBayArea> ct:temporallyIntersects <
001.n3#_g22>} log:implies
{<poolGame.n3#EricDanBayArea> <poolGame.n3#__hasPlans> <

# Proof found for file:/n3/poolGame-query.n3 in 3560 steps (35029 steps/sec)

so, I don't know yet wether this makes any sense, but it took 0.1 sec
(I will study this matter better on the rdfcore f2f trip...)

Jos De Roo, AGFA

Received on Monday, 30 July 2001 05:56:12 UTC