How to comment on the XQuery Update Facility

I'm very much enjoying the active discussion of the XQuery Update 
Facility on this list. This is a very good place for general discussion, 
or for asking questions.

I do want to make sure people understand that this list is not the right 
place to raise an official issue with the Working Group. If you want to 
make an official comment to the Working Group, follow the procedure 
outlined in our Status section:

> Comments on this document should be made in W3C's public Bugzilla 
> system <> (instructions can be found at 
> When entering comments, 
> select the Product named "XPath / XQuery / XSLT", the Component named 
> "Update Facility", and the Version named "Working drafts". If access 
> to that system is not feasible, you may send your comments to the W3C 
> XSLT/XPath/XQuery mailing list, 
> <>. It will be very helpful if you 
> include the string [UPD] in the subject line of your comment, whether 
> made in Bugzilla or in email. Each Bugzilla entry and email message 
> should contain only one comment. Archives of the comments and 
> responses are available at 

Any comment made using this procedure lands on our meeting agendas, and 
is dealt with by the Working Group as a whole.


Read my Blog:
Learn XQuery:
Learn XQJ (the JDBC for XQuery):
Get DataDirect XQuery:

Received on Friday, 3 February 2006 16:57:14 UTC