Re: namespace node implementation

On Thursday, Oct 23, 2003, at 15:23 Europe/Berlin, Kay, Michael wrote:

> > Right, and that's the problem I'm concerned about (assuming we're
> > talking about the same thing).  Given:
> >
> > let $a := <a xmlns:ns1="NS1"><b ns1:x="X"/></a>
> > let $c := <c xmlsns:ns2="NS2">{$a/b}</c>
> >
> > what is the result of get-in-scope-namespaces($c/b)?
> ...
> Yes, I think that "ns1" is the right answer. (And of course, it also 
> has a namespace node for the XML namespace).
> The tricky thing is that when you come to serialize, the XML 1.0 
> serialization is
> <c xmlns:ns2="NS2"><b xmlns:ns1="NS1" ns1:x="X"/></c>
> but the more accurate XML 1.1 serialization is:
> <c xmlns:ns2="NS2"><b xmlns:ns2="" xmlns:ns1="NS1" ns1:x="X"/></c>

? which of the 1.1 documents implies this? is there something other 
than the december namespaces cr or the recent xml cr, or is this 
somehow expressed in c14n?
> In the serialization spec we have a parameter 
> undeclare-namespaces="yes"|"no" to control this.
> Michael Kay

Received on Thursday, 23 October 2003 11:09:55 UTC