RE: Where does RDF fit in with XQuery?

At 02:43 PM 6/25/2001 +0100, Libby Miller wrote:

>I think (Jonathan?) that Xquery could query over many _canonical_
>syntaxes for RDF, although for many the queries would be rather
>awkward. The difficulty is that there isn't a canonical syntax for RDF
>in XML, although several have been proposed which are similar to the
>one that Jonathan is using.

Ah, but doesn't that impose a double standard?

For query languages that do not directly query the syntax, you feel free to 
convert things to your own representation of the RDF model. Why should 
XQuery not do the same, using a syntactic representation that closely 
conforms to the logical model? The main difference is that (1) a user can 
look at the syntactic representation, and (2) a syntactic query language 
can use it.

I'm working my way through the RQL and Squish examples you sent me. When I 
have done the work, we can discuss the results. I'm a little more 
optimistic than you are at this point.


Received on Monday, 25 June 2001 11:18:27 UTC