RE: clarification - time needed for TestGL

At 07:52 AM 10/4/02 -0700, Kirill Gavrylyuk wrote:
>I don't think we need new text from me to estimate the time for Test GL 
>issues on the f2f. Here is what I sent earlier this week [1]. It will take 
>3-4h, based on the previous teleconf s rate.

Okay.  However, it is highly likely that we can't give more than 1/2 day to 
TestGL.  1/2 day figures out to about 3 hours, taking breaks into 
account.  So we should anticipate 3 hours *maximum*.

Per Wed telecon, we think that we either have to give up some Test demo 
stuff, or find a little time elsewhere.  So I anticipate that we will be 
doing some juggling at the start, and as we proceed.


Received on Friday, 4 October 2002 12:38:38 UTC