Fwd: Thursday's 3/7 teleconf

QAWG I need your feedback...

Unfortunately Kirill is not going to be able to make the special 
teleconference on Thursday, 7 March.  I suspect that at least one person 
will not be able to make any given alternative, so let's have a little 
survey.  You can reply directly to me if you like.

Tell me if you *CANNOT* make an alternative below.  In that case, also tell 
me how much you care about participating in this telcon -- it is the 
issue#55 -- go through each P&O Checkpoint and endorse or change the priority.

1. Alt 1.  Normal time Friday (2pm Eastern)
2. Alt 2.  Earlier Thursday (e.g., 11am EST)
3. Alt 3.  Normal time Wednesday (2pm EST)

Please feel free to suggest another time also (but we don't have much time 
to determine an alternative).


>Subject: Thursday's 3/7 teleconf
>Date: Fri, 1 Mar 2002 16:11:30 -0800
>Thread-Topic: Thursday's 3/7 teleconf
>Thread-Index: AcHBfry2mAAYk8BoRwmxFBnM6t/r+A==
>From: "Kirill Gavrylyuk" <kirillg@microsoft.com>
>To: "Lofton Henderson" <lofton@rockynet.com>
>X-OriginalArrivalTime: 02 Mar 2002 00:10:34.0252 (UTC) 
>X-RCPT-TO: <lofton@rockynet.com>
>Hi, Lofton!
>I can t make it unfortunately have a meeting 9:30 12:30 at that particular 
>day. Other time or other day (Friday) would good

Received on Sunday, 3 March 2002 15:56:34 UTC