w3c creating its own competition

W3C did an excellent job in producing open standards, which can freely be
implemented by everyone.

I'm sure that if W3C decides to produce standards covered under RAND terms,
they will be accompanied by free standards, published by other independent
Similar developments have already been observed. - e.g. when MAPS stopped
it's free RBL-lists, organisations like ORDB, ORBS, etc. have taken over
their role.

I think that applying RAND terms to W3C standards will do a great harm to W3C
as well as to the Internet community, because there is a natural tendency
(by all those, who have to pay licence fees) to replace them by free ones.

 a) open-source software developers will _have to_ use other standards in
    their products.

 b) very often free standards are favoured over non-free ones.  
    -> as a result it's very likely that developers will have to implement at
       least one free standard in addition to the one covered under RAND terms.
    -> this would question the advantage from standardising as a whole.
 c) there is no guarantee, that those new standardisation bodies will limit
    their work only to W3C standards covered under RAND terms.
    - in the long run they may decide to develop further existing even free

The result might be more standards, covering the same aspects, extra cost
for all those who have to implement those standards and the establishment of
other standardisation bodies in direct competition to the W3C.

with best regards,
  Albert Weichselbraun

albert weichselbraun                                            

iaeste austria - computer center              atnet - research & development
cc@iaeste.or.at				                   research@atnet.at

Received on Sunday, 30 September 2001 06:10:13 UTC