Please extend the comment period

To whom it may concern,

After browsing the comments currently posted to this repository, and
particularly noting the dates of posting, it seems clear to me that this
issue has not been adequately publicised given its relatively radical
effects on the W3C as we know it. I realize that a couple months have
already been allocated for public commentary, and that the majority of
comments coming in now the comittee would probably rather not have
(because to a large extent they are against the entire proposal)...

But at this point I think it would be intellectually & socially
dishonest to close the comment period. A large & fairly diverse source
of public commentary has been tapped (prior to which almost no
commentary was received), so unless the comittee wishes to find an
excuse to cut unwanted commentary off at the knees, I think it would
only be right to extend the comment period until the public has had its
say (and perhaps to try and publicize the issue even further and to more
diverse audiences, particularly the vast body of IT consumers). It seems
clear to me that a lot can be said about this issue on both sides that
hasn't been said, so please give the discussion time to run its course.


Seth A. Nickell

Received on Sunday, 30 September 2001 04:02:34 UTC