compliant sites

We've been trying out our new proxy on the compliant sites on the w3c list and we've found a consistent problem that many of them have which we think they should be made aware of:

That is - that resources such as images cannot be allowed to be compliant unless either there is a prf in the wkl covering them - or they announce the location of their prf in their headers.

A LOT of the sites are assuming that because the prf covering the page covers the embedded resources, that they are covered.

I think that this problem should be emphasised somewhere (perhaps in the up and coming FAQ that I'm supposed to be doing?). It is not generally emphasised by the validator because the validator will validate the page even if the embedded resources are not compliant.

It would be a very simple problem to fix in most cases so most of these sites obviously don't realise the problem



Giles Hogben
CyberSecurity Unit
Institute for the Protection and Security of the Citizen (IPSC)
European Commission - Euratom Centro Comune di Ricerca
Via Enrico Fermi 1
21020 Ispra,   Italy
Tel.:   +39 0332 789187
Fax.:   +39 0332 789576

Received on Thursday, 28 February 2002 12:50:20 UTC