Re: madruwb notation

    I'm still not sure what is the correct rendering for madruwb... 
Since the "right angle" notation seems common, I guess it is reasonable 
to implement it as the equivalent of "right bottom"?
> Hello,
> While discussing with Azzeddine Lazrek about the madruwb notation, he 
> told me that there are several variants for drawing the symbol:
> - The one given in the MathML 3 spec is with a lam letter: 
> - However, it seems that a "right angle" is also common: 
> - Apparently, the "right angle" can also be oriented the other 
> direction. Azzedine mentioned “Florian Cajori, A History of 
> mathematical notations, Vol. 2” , p. 74 (notation used in 1827).
> I wonder whether the direction of the right angle depends on the 
> "overall directionality" of formulas... Also, I'm not sure whether 
> these right angle notations are exactly equivalent to "right bottom" 
> and "left bottom". Maybe some arabic people can tell us more about 
> these variants of madruwb and whether it would be interesting to add 
> new values for the "notation" attribute of menclose...
> Frédéric Wang

Received on Friday, 12 March 2010 16:49:55 UTC