www-lib@w3.org from July to September 1996 by subject

"If-Modified-Since" HTTP request

(no subject)

4.1b3a HTRule callback wish, HTParse port problem

[Q] European Mirror for libwww?

A post request

Another SGML Parser Question

Anyone have some raw HTTP replies?

Beta 3 configure script problem

Can't build library!

Cheers for Raw HTTP solutions

ComLine 4.1b5 win32 build

configure and config.h

Control of amount of data read

Crash of the Library on Windows NT.

Documentation of proxies

HELP! auto Web data download?

Hi! ..AFRICA & BRAZIL Work/Travel/Study [apps NOW accepted]

HTEvent_registerTimeout problem

HTGetDomainName on NT

htmime code crashes on win95

htmime code crashes on win95 | Problem at running examples under win95

HTML 3.2 Compatible Parser

HTML parser


http followed by ftp

HTTP Server problem

HTTP server reply status again

HTTP/1.1 vs HTTP/1.0 servers

joy to you

Killing a request on Win32

libwww 5.0 released to W3C members

libwww flowchart?

libwww/PMCApp libs on Macs

libwww/PMCApp libs on Macs (fwd)

Minor buf in 1B3a source

Missing selectors in libwww 4.1b5 ?

more on - Problems compiling 1b3a under NT 4.0

My messages

Need a tool

New beta versions of libwww 4.1 available [WAS Beta 3 configure script problem]

Persistent connection

Port parsing and Harvest cache

Precomplied versions

Problem compiling 1B3a under VC++ on NT 4.0 - anyone else seen this?

Problem compiling 1B3a under VC++ on NT 4.0 - anyone elseseen this?

Problem with LineMode Browser

Problems running on Win95

proxy redirection

Questions about libwww

SGML parser performace

Some ideas on: Problem compiling 1B3a under VC++ on NT 4.0 - anyone else seen this?

Some initial questions



Valid HTML

w3c-libwww-4.1b5 BUG and suggestions

Warnings when compiling 1b3a under NT 4.0

Win95 w3lib active inhibits 16-bit apps

WWW lib question

www-lib and os/2

wwwlib 4.1b3: HTIconInit, HTProfile_newCLient?

WWWLIB Parser, is there going to be any update on it?

wwwlib SGML.c and entity names in attribute values?

Last message date: Wednesday, 25 September 1996 05:00:58 UTC