Re: For review: The byte-order mark (BOM) in HTML

Leif Halvard Silli scripsit:

> It seems impossible to improve the text unless Richard clarifies what 
> use the text has in mind. 

I agree that it's wrongly worded, but I believe the intent is clear.
Here's my revision:

"The UTF-8 encoding without a BOM has the property that a document
which contains only characters from the US-ASCII range is encoded
byte-for-byte the same way as the same document encoded using the
US-ASCII encoding.  Such a document can be processed either as UTF-8 or
as US-ASCII.  Adding a BOM inserts additional non-ASCII bytes, so this
is no longer true."

I believe that statement is correct, complete, and useful.

You annoy me, Rattray!  You disgust me!         John Cowan
You irritate me unspeakably!  Thank Heaven,
I am a man of equable temper, or I should
scarcely be able to contain myself before
your mocking visage.            --Stalky imitating Macrea

Received on Thursday, 20 December 2012 04:13:49 UTC