Re: I18N attributes in RSS 1.0

On 12/12/05, Jeremy Carroll <> wrote:
> Notionally, RSS 1.0 is RDF/XML and an example of XHTML in RDF/XML is
> relevant.
> Here is one that I made earlier (as they say in Blue Peter - UK specific
> joke - actually Martin helped make it):
> (the XHTML2 has Japanese text, so only displays if you have the fonts)
> Jeremy
Thank you Jeremy,

So if I was to quickly write a subset of RSS based on what I've seen it
would look something like this?

<title>a title in english</title>
<description><span xml:lang="en-uk">some british english text with some
example persian text</span> <span xml:lang="fa">امام جمعه
موقت جديد
تهران عضو هيئت رئيسه مجلس Ø(r)برگان Ùˆ از
روحانيون مشهور به هوادارای از
گروههای اصولگرای افراطی در ايران و
همچنين جوانترين امام جمعه تهران

I think this is fine but maybe there are other solutions which do not
require wrapping spans around all the text? I'm also interested in how
we would indicate the right to left persian text if the feed is not
Unicode or has no Unicode control characters?

Thank you Felix, this wiki page was very useful -

It would seem using a combination of the dir and xml:lang attributes
would be enough to specify all languages in RSS/ATOM?


Ian Forrester

Received on Tuesday, 13 December 2005 13:27:50 UTC