Re: Language label

# From: "M.T. Carrasco Benitez" <>
# Subject: Re: Language label
# > > Spiders that are interested in docs in only one language need language
# > > information when a HEAD is done.  From this they will decise if doing a
# > > GET.
# > 
# > Hmmm... This way they won't collect all the links they could.
# You are right.  But this allow designers of spiders to different
# strategies: the web will become larger and identifiying the most promising
# set of docs is important.
# Tomas

Just saw a demo last week of an incremental conceptual indexing web 
browser plugin that does an asynchronous one level lookahead and
dynamically updates a taxonomy of categories in your immediate 
web neighborhood. For this application, the ability to use HEAD
and to properly interpret language and encoding headers is

Received on Friday, 28 February 1997 08:32:58 UTC