Re: Radio and checkbox texts

Jukka K. Korpela wrote:

> a small monstrosity, requiring pointless invention
> and use of identifiers.

IIRC it doesn't work as expected for legacy browsers. 

> The logical structure would be to put the input field
> and its label inside a container, roughly as you can say
> <label><input type="radio" name="x" value="1">option1</label>
> at present, but the element namel "label" is quite
> illogical. (E.g. "field" would be better.)

Related radio buttons in a <fieldset> work, example:

<fieldset><legend><!-- intentionally void --></legend>
  <label title="world wide web">
    <input type="radio" name="meta"
           value="lr=lang_en|lang_de" checked="checked" />
    <small> WWW </small> &#160;
  <label title="only W3C">
    <input type="radio" name="meta"
           value=";" />
    <small><a href=""> W3C </a></small> &#160;

That worked with Lynx and a Netscape 2.02 "mozilla 3", the
titles had of course no effect, and the <legend> needed to
be empty, otherwise Lynx would try to do something "smart".


Received on Wednesday, 23 April 2008 23:23:21 UTC