'style' attribute

First of all, why was the 'style' attribute declared deprecated in XHTML 1.1
[1] and will be introduced again in XHTML 2.0 [2]? Did I miss something, or,
for example, is only the Style Attribute Module deprecated (in XHTML 1.1),
but not its attribute...?

Nevertheless, I absolutely agree that it shouldn't be used [...] and is
therefore deprecated in the recent XHTML specification, but coming across the
'new' CSS profiles for the 'style' attribute [3] I think it's a good idea to
keep it (due to e.g. the possibility to import stylesheets via this attribute,
which significantly changes the situation, I guess).

Consequently and due to the publication date of both CSS 3 profiles (May
2002) and XHTML 1.1 specification (May 2001), I wouldn't wonder that XHTML 1.1
declared it deprecated while XHTML 2.0 offers it again (if the non-existence
of these profiles was the reason), which could answer my initial question.
Since I'm just spinning around now, I propose to change at least the following
part of the current XHTML 2.0 draft:

    'Note: use of the style attribute is strongly discouraged in favor
    of the style element and external style sheets.'

...since the situation really changes as mentioned before -- above all,
being allowed to use imported stylesheets here (which use the referring element
as the 'document' root) might be a really useful complement to format
documents, and it doesn't represent formatting in the document, either. (This doesn't
imply that this action is recommended.)

-- Well, I'll keep this short for now, and excuse my horrible language use
once again ;)

All the best,

Jens Meiert
Interface Architect


Received on Friday, 20 February 2004 04:44:15 UTC