RE: XHTML 2.0 considered harmful

Rick [Kitty5] wrote:

> XHTML2 is turning into a purists dream that in all certainty 
> will never gain wide spread acceptance.

"Never" is a strong word, considering the web wasn't even a twinkle in
most people's eyes until about seven years ago or so.  Breathing air on
land was once a few purist fish's dreams too.  :)

> Every browser that will support XHTML2 will support every 
> incarnation of HTML right back to year dot as well

Exactly.  So everybody just relax.  Then we can (leisurely) see what
happens with XHTML 2.0.  Even if it turns out to be great, it's unlikely
anyone will be *forced* to use it.  :)


Received on Tuesday, 14 January 2003 13:50:48 UTC