RE: XHTML 2.0 considered harmful

-----Original Message-----
From: Tantek Celik
> I'd rather see efforts spent on HTML4/XHTML1,1.1,Basic errata and test
> suites.

I've only been writing HTML since March 2002, so I never actually used HTML
4 at all. I began with XHTML 1.0 Strict (because I used CSS from the outset)
and migrated to XHTML 1.1 (delivered as text/html) as soon as it became
practical to do so. From this perspective, I think any effort to revise HTML
4 is a waste of time. I would much rather see W3C efforts employed on the
advancement of XHTML in all its guises.

I think that test suites are very important and Tantek is right to point out
that they need more attention.

XHTML 2.0 seems like a poorly executed idea as it stands at the moment.
Dropping of tags such as <cite> is a bad idea, and the removal of the style
attribute is unfortunate. I like the change from <q> to <quote>, but I
dislike the change from <line> to <l>. I believe a major revision of the
Working Group's direction is probably needed.

Apologies to Tantek for sending this to him only, in error.

Simon Jessey

Received on Tuesday, 14 January 2003 09:57:06 UTC