BODY content model and ADDRESS in ISO-HTML


The ISO/IEC 15445:2000 specifies the content model of the BODY element
type as

  <!ELEMENT BODY - O  (%block;|H1|H2|H3|H4|H5|H6)+ +(DEL|INS) >

which means that we cannot put an ADDRESS element directly under a BODY
element. However, the User's Guide to ISO/IEC 15445:2000 says in its
section 13.2 that:

  The <ADDRESS> [W3Cハ7.5.6] element indicates the author or originator
  of a document or major part of a document. The International Standard
  discourages its use for general markup by requiring that it appear
  only in the content of the elements: <BLOCKQUOTE> [W3Cハ9.2.2], <BODY>
  [W3Cハ7.5.1], <DIV> [W3Cハ7.5.4], <FIELDSET> [W3Cハ17.10], <FORM> [W3Cハ
  17.3] and <OBJECT> [W3Cハ13.3].

Although the Guide itself is non-normative, the editors' intention seems
to allow the <ADDRESS> in the <BODY> content. And since I cannot find
any rationale to prohibit an ADDRESS element under an BODY element, I
guess this might be a technical defect of the International Standard
(This also contradicts the content model of <BLOCKQUOTE>, and is still
the same in DCOR 1:2001. Moreover, the revision excludes <ADDRESS> from
<FORM> content model, too).

Because the User's Guide states that "Error notifications should be made
via your national body or via a liaison organization such as the World
Wide Web Consortium.", I post this memo to www-html list. Could this be
worth considering ?


//// KANZAKI,Masahide - - ////

Received on Thursday, 9 August 2001 13:10:45 UTC