Re: Wrong MIME type for XML DTDs

> We recently hit upon this snag in the W3C HTML Validator when the SGML
> parser in use rejected these DTDs due to an incorrect Content-Type.

I could not re-create this.  Could you be more specific.  Might this
be a CGI issue?  Might it be a form-based file upload issue?

> It is also worth noting that the IETF has repeatedly refused any attempt to
> impose pseudo-structure, even by convention, on the «text/plain» media

Of course.  Correctly so.

But what we call a DTD here is not a free-standing markup object in
the context of XHTML.

An HTTP reference inside the prolog of an XHTML document is different
from an HTTP reference in the "href" attribute of an "a" element.  For
the latter in this instance "text/plain" is correct and for the former
"text/plain" is adequate.  The term "sniffing" would apply to any
automatic processing inference made about content obtained through an
"href" but not through a prolog reference.

                                    -- Bill

Received on Wednesday, 1 August 2001 09:32:16 UTC