Most compatible, non-stupid ways to style text


(I'm a newbie to the group, so apologies if I violate any protocol.  I
checked the four FAQ links I received in the signup email before posting,
but none of them worked.)

I'm about to help guide a couple site redesigns (one for the company I work
for, one personal), and I'd like Do The Right Thing regarding CSS.

I'm getting pretty bad results on pre-CSS browsers, and it also looks like I
need different style sheets for CSS-savvy browsers in order to get similar
text sizes (for example, I'd like to have a pre-IE5/Mac style sheet and
a IE5+/Mac style sheet, among others).

Has an HTML god defined How This Should Be Done?  If so, such a resource
would help me from recommending silly solutions for this problem.


Charles Wiltgen

Received on Sunday, 30 April 2000 18:57:33 UTC