Re: Modularization of XHTML B.3.4.2

At 12:55 AM 4/8/00 +0200, Jan Roland Eriksson wrote:
>On Fri, 07 Apr 2000 11:53:58 -0400, "Simon St.Laurent"
><> wrote:
>>Er, there's a big "TBD" in the DTD here:
>>It appears to be the only TBD in this last call DTD, which is a bit odd.
>And if we all stop speaking in acronyms, and if the publisher of said
>document would be kind enough to use correct publishing methods...

"Correct publishing methods?"

I'd appreciate it if the W3C specs were written in friendlier language, but
have no idea what you mean here.  TBD came right out of the comments in the
spec, and I figured it means 'to be determined'.  If you'd like me to write
out Document Type Definition every time I would normally use DTD, I can,
but I don't think that the extra byte overhead is especially useful on this
particular list.

>...I'm fairly sure that more people will have a chance to understand
>about the (in fact) non geekery that is going on here.

This is actually extremely geeky stuff.

Simon St.Laurent
XML Elements of Style / XML: A Primer, 2nd Ed.
Building XML Applications
Inside XML DTDs: Scientific and Technical
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Received on Saturday, 8 April 2000 12:19:50 UTC