Re: Implementation Query: <MAP> with mixed <AREA> <A> !?

On Wed, 10 Nov 1999, Dave Raggett wrote:

>> Should we do this when the MAP contains only A elements, but no
>> AREA elements? Or should we do this for all broken image maps?
> I would think that providing access to all links would be more
> appropriate.

Actually, on thinking about it, it seems to me that this would only
really be appropriate if the MAP element only contains AREAs. After
all, if it contains other elements then we will be rendering the
alternative, textual version of the map somewhere else, so all bases
will already be covered.

If we render the menu based on both AREA and A elements, the menu is
likely to have a lot of duplicate text, since each AREA is likely to
have a respective A.

I have put what seems to be the best solution to the issues raised at:

Ian Hickson
"So far, people have shown a reasonable amount of sense in evaluating
souls (whether they are properly priced)."
  -- Nick Gibbins; Author of, 1999-10-05

Received on Sunday, 14 November 1999 06:41:32 UTC