Lost Eudora email

I lost WWW-HTML messages 5/20-5/21 due to computer freeze (thank you Netscape).
Anyone with a Eudora mailbox (preferably Mac but PC should work too) and
who receives this list as individual messages (not digest), can you send me
a copy of the current messages since yesterday? Eudora 2.1.4 destroyed
mine... :(


 "xx27 of xx42 summaries were used; 7 new summaries created"  Auuuugghhhh...

    Walter Ian Kaye <boo@best.com>     Programmer - Excel, AppleScript,
          Mountain View, CA                         ProTERM, FoxPro, HTML
 http://www.natural-innovations.com/     Musician - Guitarist, Songwriter

Received on Tuesday, 21 May 1996 18:25:04 UTC