Re: <math>, <fig>, ... (fwd)

>Can someone enlighten me as to exactly why the current <math> draft, and
>the arena implementation thereof, was deemed to be not good enough?? Is
>this just another case of vendors (in this case Mathematica and Maple)
>trying to rewrite a spec to fit in with their products? Why can't we
>just add more symbols to the current spec??

From what I understand, the current <MATH> spec is heavy on the 
presentational aspects but a lightweight in the structural aspects. 
 Automatic processing of <MATH> parts apparently requires better structural 
support than the HTML 3.0 <MATH> contains.

If anyone from the Mathematica and Maple vendors cares to speak up about 
this, please do so.  IANAMW (I am not a Math Wizard).
Mark Leighton Fisher                   Thomson Consumer Electronics                   Indianapolis, IN

Received on Tuesday, 14 May 1996 07:58:48 UTC